Hi reader,
Until the last few weeks, I was a sceptic about 'Tongues' as depicted in the Scriptures. I have known the Lord for 28 years or so [22nd March, 1983], so have delved into this subject on a few occasions.
I read an article last year [don't have its source now], that mentioned the benefit of 'speaking in tongues' being that nobody can understand you except God. Then the enemy is also being defeated. Yes, I heard about the 'false tongues' etc.
On another occasion I saw a film clip that showed people 'praising God in tongues'. I noticed that one woman's lips were moving and she had her eyes closed, oblivious to the world. Lips!
Again, after this, I saw a documentary on TV that showed someone doing a test on people who had 'convictions'. One man allowed his brain to be tapped with electrodes and surprise, surprise, when he 'spoke in tongues' the language area of his brain was not active, but the rest of the brain was alive with emotions. Funny, very!
Some time later, I thought, 'Maybe I can do this without too many instructions, seeing as I have known the Lord Jesus Christ for many years.'
Now, I know how easy it is! Yes, if you are a Christian, you can do it too! It is a gift from God and I think any Christian can do it. If you love God, you can do this.
This is how: Ask the Lord to give you the gift. He will not refuse because he says, "Ask me anything and I will do it." [Jesus].
Let your lips move and allow words to come out. You might find yourself a bit halting at first, but after a few minutes [yes, minutes] you will be saying words that you have never heard before.
Now, what is the good of all this?
I have found a few good, no, very good reasons why Christians can do this and enjoy it.
First, you are allowing your brain to relax and your lips to move. It is a fun feeling! You know God is listening.
When I asked the Lord what it all meant, guess what came straight through?
It is words from the heart! That is, your heart. If your heart is for God and good and all the best things, then this is what God is hearing, your heart! Never knew your heart spoke, well, now you do.
Secondly, it seems to 'clear the air' of feelings of non-attractive listeners! You are in communion with God and God alone. I have heard other Christians experienced this fact.
Thirdly, it makes you feel 'closer' to God, and will help with temptations that you suffer from.
All the Biblical verses tell me that this is acceptable to God. If you want them, come and see me.
Now, the next step, start singing in tongues! It's so easy and it just runs off your lips, like speaking, but different. Special, yeah!
Go Christian, power up and speak in tongues, then sing in tongues. This is one who has done this.